Andean Bear Sighting in Chingaza National Park

Wildlife Sighting


Chingaza National Park is located on the Easter Andes just 50 km away from Bogota. The high Andean, sub-Andean forest and moorland ecosystems are predominant in the area, acting also as havens for majestic fauna and flora reserves. The national park offers different trails which are strictly controlled by the parks authorities since only a limited number of travellers can enter each trail per day.

First OBJECTIVE: Conservation through responsible tourism. Fauna watching is a contemplative activity that brings us closer to the perception of nature in a different way. Visual contact with wild species makes us feel the magic of life and the miracle of biodiversity. We are regular visitors to the Chingaza natural park, we are committed to conservation and responsible community based tourism.

COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULES: For the bear sighting we always take into account the non-disturbation of wildlife, so it is necessary to have the basic rules very clear. We go in groups of maximum 9 people. We follow only authorized trails and comply with all the rules of the natural park. It is very important to note that bear sighting is completely random and cannot be guaranteed. In recent months we have identified several areas where their presence is frequent and we have been fortunate to have consecutive encounters, however this cannot be guaranteed for any departure.

SPECIAL ORGANIZATION:  we do this tour in a van with sufficient space to be comfortable and have a better panoramic view of the landscape. In the same way we will have an authorized local guide and an expert biologist guide specializing in nature photography (Sebastian di Domenico) with extensive experience in tracking bears. Sebastian has done a methodical job of tracking which has allowed him to see bears on many consecutive visits. He is also the photographer with the best professional records.

During this route we will also have the opportunity to monitor other species such as the paramo eagle, the white-tailed deer or perhaps some of the most representative bird species such as the hummingbird or the condor. A fundamental value in wildlife observation is the observation capacity of the participant and their sense of silence.